Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A little Birdie told Me

so I have super busy and have not had any time to blog but tonight I decide to open up my "Bravery box". I had kind of a bad start of the week it's the holidays and my hubby is not here. I miss him and then I thought about something that happend to me at Brave Girls Camp . Every morning you could go on a hike and of course I did a bunch of us walked and chatted along the way the first hike we did I needed to run I needed to forget everything so I ran I ran hard and as far as I knew I could go. I felt free , I felt like a bird soaring through the air and light and airy. I had time to free my spirit and take in the beauty around me and breathe the mountain air. After my short run most the girls were at the bottom of the hill. We took some beautiful pictures and chatted about life. on the way back I walked slow to take in the mountains and hold back some of my tears from the beauty. When we arrived back at the cabin I sat by Melody Ross and her and her husband Marq asked me about my hubby and we talked then she held out in her hand a small army man . She said " Now he can always be with you " . The weird part is that the army man was randomly found on the porch after the hike.I don't know if she knows how much that meant to me but words can not express it. Latter we went to the beautiful art tent and started our " A little birdie told me books" I was really excited until I realize what it was . It's hard for me to explain but the best way I can put it is messages to myself to remind me I am brave, beautiful and unique.
I am sharing these with you the picture above says Dear Christi, Angels are watching over you right now ...beside you..in front of you ..behind you ..you do not travel alone.

Dear , christi You were never meant to fit in you were meant to stand out as a light in the darkness.

these are just a few the others are very personal . I am sharing this because I needed to this week . I have had so much going on in my life that I needed that reminder I was never meant to fit in and I do have angels watching out for me and my husband. So a little birdie did tell me and stared at me at target ( I will explain this one later). I am Brave when I want to be and I do hard things.