Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well first off we are moving .... hubby got a job only being home 3days it's so great. The sad part is that we will be moving out of state . We have lived in Idaho for our whole lives and now we will be relocating to Beautiful Utah .
I am scared and sad , But I will live anywhere my sweetheart is . We spent the last year apart and I am ready to be with him . The boys are excited but I think they think we are going to live at Lagoon all summer . so I am crazy busy with the boys , School , teaching creative classes , and packing up our lives.

Today I ran/walked four 1/2 miles I have not run since my last post and felt it today. I really needed it to clear my mind for while and feel free. It is a good thing to let loose but not all the time. I walk outside my house and the "for rent " sign was up .. I had a huge pit in my heart hurt my mom was standing there with me and she sat in her car and cried . I feel for her we are so close .

She is trying to find a job in Utah and I really am praying for her so she will not be alone . I will miss all my Idaho Girls and will visit as much as we can .

I love Idaho but I am excited for a new adventure and a new place it should be fun.
so thats about it for today ... I am having to pack up my crafty stuff and it's hard . But it's nice to de clutter our life.