Friday, August 27, 2010

The End of Math

I and took my final passed .... I got 89% and my final grade for math was an 96%. Math is tough But I worked really hard and it payed off.

I am going to transfer to a better school in October ...
I want my Bachelor's degree and I want to learn as much as I can
so I will be attending an school that specializes in ART. Now I am not saying my school that I am at is not good it is but I need more ..

So I am excited

I am going to work on my etsy shop and create fun stuff for it I just have been crazy busy ...
with school

Not much else except that the rain is coming and finally a break from the heat
I am not a heat girl I love the snow
I could live in the Antarctica
(Only people don't live there)

so hopefully some cool fall weather is coming I love October ( I know it's a month away but I am still excited)

I am doing better at updating
hope someone is reading my blog out there

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So Much

I am tiring to update ( I am getting somewhat better)
I am finishing 2 classes this week My math class and my packaging design class

Math has been tricky and I have worked super hard hard
today we have our final and I am nervous ( I tend to not test well)
So I am bringing my headphones to tune out other noise and then
focusing on my test.

Packing design is a blast I will post a picture after I mock it up
I love design

gotta run and get the kids off to school

Thursday, August 12, 2010


So I have to many ideas swirling in my head ...
I am over inspired by many things
I am overwhelmed with school and family
My life feels very unorganized
I want to scream and shout
I don't want be over everything
I want to relax ... and I can't
I want my brain to shut down
I want peace ..
Maybe I am asking to much
maybe I am missing an important lesson
I am not sure
I want to blog every day
I want to put fun projects on this blog

In the words of my brother " I want a Ompaluma NOW!"
He tells me this when I want to much maybe I will start
with every other day and try to start small and work my way up
to bloging ever day .

I am going to try harder
Also IDAHO friends and my otherBRAVE friends I miss you all very much
I hope you are well and keeping in touch LOVE you all...
