Monday, February 15, 2010


Robie Creek is the toughest 1/2 marathon in the northwest and I am RUNNING it !

I have done this race in the past and have loved the challenge of it . The trail is beautiful and quiet . I always have time to think and last year i guess they changed the rules for ipods but now you can have them back. I am really excited this summer I was running about an 8 min. mile and 9 back to 8.. today I ran 10 and 10 so I need to speed up and get into gear. I am really excited my goal is to beat my last time which was in 2008 i ran and walked in 3:30. This years goal is 3:00 if I beat it in the 2:40's I would be really excited . I am going to just focus on my time not how fast anyone else is running. There are some power houses in this race I think one year a girl finished in 1:30 and that's fast, the incline is pretty steep. I don't want to run that fast I want to run for me and for my health and for the pure challenge of this awesome race. The best part is I got in this afternoon and it's only open to so many racers. so cheer me on it's not till april But I am going to post my progress . OH yeah I will be posting more art and projects that I have been inspired to make so stay tuned. One more thing to add Thank you L you know who you are. thanks for the awesome birthday present ( two bird that will never die!) I love them and of course YOU KNOW WHY! love you guys ...

1 comment:

  1. christi how {seriously} exciting!! i need your positive motivation here for me. you are so "brave" and i am so proud of you. sorry i didn't wish ya happy birthday but i didn't know when it was. hope it was a good one though. wish i was there to run the race with you. that would be totally awesome!! good luck and i can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it. {{hugs}}
